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- [Paper] M. Zaslavskiy, E. Ryabikov, and K. Krinkin. 2013. Lightweight Linux dynamic libraries profiling technique for embedded systems. In Proceedings of the 9th Central & Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia (CEE-SECR '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 6 , 5 pages. DOI=10.1145/2556610.2556618
- [Paper] Рябиков Э. М., Заславский М. М., Кринкин К. В. Методика неинвазивного профилирования разделяемых библиотек в ОС LINUX – Известия СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», Издательство СПбГЭТУ “ЛЭТИ” 7/2013, стр. 41 - 46
- [Paper] Заславский М.М., Кринкин К.В., Рябиков Э.М., Черкалова В.В., Цамутали А.Б. Инструментарий надежного хранения данных – Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ 3' (174) 2013 Информатика. Телекоммуникации. Управление, Изд Политехнического Уни-та. Санкт-Петербург 2013. C. 134 - 138
- [Paper] M. Zaslavsky, K.Krinkin Geo2tag Performance Evaluation Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT and Seminar on e-Travel. Oulu, Finland 5-9 November, 2012
- [Proceedings] V. Romanikhin, M. Zaslavsky Spacial Filters For Geo2tag LBS Platform The 11th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. Saint-Petersburg, Russia 23-27 April 2012
- [Demo] M. Zaslavsky Location Based Platform for Public Transport Monitoring System 9th Conference of Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT. Petrozavodsk 25-29 April 2011
- [Demo] M. Zaslavsky Mobile Public Transport Monitoring System (geo2tag) 1-я Российская конференция MeeGo. Москва 9-11 марта 2011
- [Proceedings] M. Zaslavsky, P.Zubarev, K. Krinkin Test driven approach for porting software to mobile platforms 8th Conference of Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT. Lappeenranta, Finland 9-12 November 2010
- M. Zaslavskiy, S. Khlopin Simulation of thermal conductivity for thermal insulation joint elements of the spacecraft in orbital flight mode XXXIX Week of science SPBSTU. Saint-Petersburg, Russia 20 December 2010
- M. Zaslavskiy, S. Khlopin Processes of Thermal Conductivity in Spacecraft Heat Sheald in Orbital Flight Mode Simposium - Young Scientist and Industry of North-West Region. Saint-Petersburg, Russia 20 May 2010
- [Proceedings] I. Bezyazychnyy, K. Krinkin, M. Zaslavskiy, S. Balandin, Y. Koucheravy Geo2Tag Implementation for MAEMO 7th Conference of Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT. Saint-Petersburg, Russia 26-30 April 2010
- [Proceedings] M. Zaslavskiy, A. Zlobin WebDAV Implementation for MAEMO 6th Conference of Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT. Helsinki, Finland 3-6 November 2009
etc/users/zmm.1396545690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/03 21:21 by vood