1. This is research project.
дальше, к удалению
* Что есть OLPC. Что там за mesh. 2мин = 4 слайда
2. Что есть mesh. 3мин = 6 слайдов
3. Состояние индустрии в mesh (стандарты, черновики, существующие решения,
проблемы, что стопорит решение проблем) 3мин
4. С какой из проблем боремся мы. Как предполагаем ее решить. 6мин
1. Теоретические основы.
2. Реализация в OLPC (предположение).
5. Результаты, выводы.
Short OLPC project description
OLPC Mesh. What is the problem?
Network architecture defining
Unit number influence on the amount of control traffic
Network changes dynamics influence on the amount of control traffic
Route length influence on the amount of control traffic
Modern tendencies of Mesh Networks development
Quality of Service mgmt as the main goal
Protocols of network architecture defining
Proactive and On-Demand routing protocols
Network diameter as route length optimality index
Local optimization routing protocols
Problems with QoS providing in local optimization protocols
Global optimization routing protocols
Problems with QoS providing in global optimization protocols
The Central idea of route quality
User's demands on optimal route
Acceptable approach to optimal route
Providing one certain feature level
Aim at providing all features at certain levels
QoS cost dependance on user's demands
Special way of network controlling
Certain level of control traffic with no depend on user's actions with network
Difficulty of QoS providing in Mobile ad-hoc networks
Difficulty of QoS providing in any structure networks
Project Activities and timeline
- Scientific activities and results
- Practical experience