
Аннотация проекта для рассылки

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Tool that we develop improves such system thinking skills as generalizing, abstracting, decomposing.
The idea is to make the application as intuitive as possible with the help of ideas of mind mapping and modeling software.
At first, children choose the topic of current modeling session. They can take one of existing topics or create their own one.
After that, children use tool palette to create objects and relationships between them in the context of the topic.
Each topic is represented by ontology so relationships and objects are elements of topic ontologies.
Relationships can have properties (transitive, symmetric, functional, inverse functional), and object can unite into classes.
When map is created in the workspace, children can ask questions about it (about existing objects and their relations with far-away ones).
Ontology ideas are very close to the system thinking. With the ability to represent properties, classes, individual
concepts etc in a simple and funny way this tool will be suitable for entertaining and educating children.
We don't know yet what ontology language to use, it could be RDF or OWL.

etc/teach/diplomants/projects/2009/olpcmind/artifacts/inception/unknown/annotation.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/15 08:47 by kuv