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Screen workshop

  • ssh to a host (development vm)
  • create a new screen session “test”: screen -S test . Now you are logged into first terminal. Type anything like “ls”
  • Detach from screen: Ctrl-a d
  • Reattach to the session “test”: screen -r test
  • Create a new terminal in current session, type anything: Ctr-a c
  • Create one more terminal: Ctrl-a c
  • Scroll thru terminals forwards / backwards: Ctrl-a n or Ctrl-a p
  • Name focuse terminal: Ctrl-a A YourTerminalName
  • Split window to show two/three/… terminals: Ctrl-a S
  • adjust height of focused window: Ctrl-a : Type resize +5 to get more 5 lines for current subwindow
  • Choose a subwindow in a splitted window: Ctrl-a TAB . In each subwindow you can choose a terminal with Ctrl-a n or Ctrl-a p
  • You can navigate thru list of terminals with: Ctrl-a “ (remember hitting SHIFT to get ”)
  • Unsplit window: Ctrl-a X
  • To copy anything to clipboard, enter copy-mode: Ctrl-a ESC , then navigate to the beginning of copied text, hit bar, move to the end, hit again bar
  • To paste copied text: Ctrl-a ]
  • Kill current terminal: Ctrl-a k
  • Detach: Ctrl-a d
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etc/blogs/kkv/screen_workshop.txt · Last modified: 2009/05/21 17:34 by kkv